
Profiles of Success

Business Owner, Electronics, Entertainment, Executive, Inventor, Property Management


Gus Searcy has an interesting and varied background. At age 16, his parents signed over Power of Attorney to him as an adult so he could play the stock market. Once they realized he really knew what he was doing, the only way to buy and sell over the phone was to give him “adult” status. So by age 17, he was earning a solid income and has been doing that every year since — he jokes that it has been only about five years now!

By age 19, he became a landlord, owning one of the most rented condos in Mammoth, California.

By age 21, he became the youngest owner in the world of a convenience store franchise and still holds that record today.

By age 24, he owned a world champion Frisbee-catching dog, who made more money than some people make in a lifetime, and Gus managed that money.

By age 26, as a performing member of the Magic Castle in Hollywood, he became one of the highest paid magicians in the world.

By age 28, he invented a new technology that changed the world! That invention is voice recognition, and it is featured in the Smithsonian today.

So why would he start a PPLSI business? That is an interesting story in itself. Mr. Searcy fell into the business completely by accident. It happened because a phone call was transferred to him in error. When Ms. Liz Foo realized she had the wrong person on the line, instead of hanging up when most people would have, she had the presence of mind to say, “You’ve been very nice about this. May I get back in touch with you and explain what this is all about?”

Then she proceeded to follow up with him every few days (each time with a new tool) for the next six months! Mr. Searcy thought, “If she spends half the time helping me as she did trying to get me in this business, this might be worth looking at.”

To the people who ask, “What if it doesn’t work?” Mr. Searcy says, “WHAT IF is what you are left with once WHY NOT is gone.”