
Profiles of Success

Automotive, Food/Beverage, Sales, Temporary Staffing


Before PPLSI, I found myself working as the courtesy technician at an automotive service chain, vacuuming car mats and checking tire pressure for $4.25 per hour, and I was delivering pizzas at night. By the time I was married, I was earning $6 per hour, which is what corporate America pays you when you don’t have a high school diploma.

While I was in high school, my father was diagnosed with cancer. He spent the next few years in and out of hospitals going through surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy. Because he was the breadwinner in our family, we had no income and consequently lost everything. Our cars were repossessed in the middle of the night, and one day the county sheriff showed up and told us we had to be out of our house in 24 hours because it had been sold at a public auction. There were nine children in our family, and I was the oldest of the ones still at home. So I left high school to get a job and solve some of our family’s financial problems.

This taught me how to work hard and the value of a dollar. Corporate America has always held the fact that I was uneducated against me. This is why joining PPLSI was such a godsend to me and my family. Not only does it provide a financial opportunity, but if something ever happens to me, my family will be taken care of because of the residual income.

Before PPLSI, we had two kids and were living paycheck to paycheck. We drove a salvaged title Geo Metro and lived in the basement of someone else’s real estate, always living two weeks away from bankruptcy. Today, we have no car payments or financial stress. We now have eight kids and don’t worry about debts. I know there’s no glass ceiling, and I can help anyone who is willing to work.

Our success has very little to do with education, résumés or corporate experience. Our success has everything to do with God’s guiding hand leading us to PPLSI and a team filled with our best friends who work tirelessly to make a difference while making an income. We can’t possibly tell them all personally how much we love and appreciate them and look forward to seeing them in this book.

My favorite success story is my mother, Sally Gilbert, who came into this business after telling me “no” for 10 months. She raised nine kids from her first marriage and five more from a second. She is a widowed grandma working PPLSI. She is now a $100,000 Ring Earner and Millionaire Club Member. That’s way better than Social Security. And because that’s Willable income, I need to make sure I am her favorite child.